Updates from the Young Center

January 2022
We’re Hiring. Apply now at theyoungcenter.org/careers.
Are you looking for an opportunity to work with the Young Center's diverse and dedicated team? We are hiring for open positions around the country, including a Media Relations Specialist who can work from any of the eight locations where we have an office: Chicago, Harlingen, Houston, Washington, D.C., New York, San Antonio, Phoenix, and Los Angeles.

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Young Center’s Elizabeth Frankel Honored with the M. Shanara Gilbert Human Rights Award

On January 7, 2022, the Society of American Law Teachers posthumously honored Young Center Associate Director Elizabeth Frankel with the M. Shanara Gilbert Human Rights Award. The award, named after a CUNY Law School professor, recognizes the contributions of individuals or groups who are tireless advocates for social justice, human rights, equality, and justice. Past awardees include Congressman John Lewis, civil rights advocate Sherrilyn Ifill, the Indigenous Law and Policy Center at MSU Law, Steven Bright and Bryan Stevenson, and other human rights champions.

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Board Member Spotlight: Dr. Selma Yznaga
"I dream of a society that welcomes, protects, and sees immigrant children for what they are: children. My dream is that we would all shed our political, socially constructed biases and open our arms to educate, house, and nurture immigrant children." -Young Center Board Member Dr. Selma Yznaga. 

After years of serving as a volunteer Child Advocate, Dr. Yznaga recently joined our Board of Directors and is serving as Secretary of the Board. Click here to read a brief interview about what drives her work.
Read the interview
News Spotlight on  Young Center Child Advocates
CBS-Texas interviewed Young Center social worker Tania Torres and a volunteer Child Advocate in Harlingen, Texas about our work with unaccompanied and separated children in government custody. Click here to read the article and learn about our child-led approach, the impact volunteer Child Advocates make, and how you can get involved. 
Read the article
Webinar- Fading Hope: A Year of Immigrant Children’s Rights under the Biden Administration
In case you missed it, on the anniversary of the Biden administration taking office, we held a webinar to discuss the administration’s approach to immigration policy and the Young Center’s strategy for making real gains in our fight for immigrant children’s rights. At the webinar, experts from the Young Center and the Sidewalk School for Asylum Seekers talked about the impact of policies on children and families, and shared tangible ways in which people around the country can take action. Click here to watch the webinar or access a transcript
Watch the webinar
Resources Corner; What we're learning at the Young Center.
The Young Center's Development team has been reading about community-centric fundraising to align our fundraising processes and goals with our diversity, inclusion, equity, and justice values. Learn more about community-centric fundraising here
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Fists holding a sign that reads families belong together
Over the past few weeks, we asked you to raise your voices by submitting a comment to the Department of Homeland Security about how the government can prevent family separation at our borders and support separated families. More than 50 of you answered the call and submitted a comment before the deadline on Tuesday, January 25. Thank you so much! We're grateful to be in the fight for immigrant children and families with you. 
“Every child deserves protection and care, and it is our collective duty to respond and actively work to safeguard those basic rights. Immigrant children are our teachers and our future—we must do more.”
-Young Center Chicago Volunteer Child Advocate Kate Banner
The Young Center works with the most vulnerable unaccompanied and separated immigrant children, so their voices are heard, and their best interests are protected. We also advocate for an immigration system that treats children as children. To learn more about our work, visit theyoungcenter.org or follow us on social media. Click here to donate.
Copyright © 2022 Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights. All rights reserved.

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Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights · 2245 S. Michigan Ave, Suite 301 · Chicago, IL 60616 · USA