

When Alexander the Great landed his army on the shores of Persia he ordered his men to burn their boats. His message: there was no rescue party, if they weren’t victorious there would be no return voyage to Greece. Failure was not an option for Alexander and his men.


With that said, I'm writing today to give you an update on the campaign and where we're at. 


This is a critical moment for us. Over the past few weeks, we've quadrupled our staff, moved into a new office, and increased our contact with voters by over 600%. 


We have too much momentum to slow down now. That's why on December 20th, 2021, I quit my job as a cancer researcher so that I could devote every fiber of my being to taking this seat back for the working people of Philadelphia. 


I'm running this campaign with vulnerability and have been forthcoming about my struggles with student debt, my working class background, and my previous experience working as a stripper. I don't know what this means for me in the long-run professionally or if I'll be able to work in my field again but it doesn't matter. 

I'm burning the boats. Failure is not an option for me.  


As I write to you today, we are $1200 dollars away from reaching our budget and payroll for the month of February. Will you please consider chipping in whatever you can spare so we can continue putting it all on the line for the people of Philadelphia?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

There is too much at stake for the people of Philadelphia for us to not go all in. I hope you'll join us.


Yours in the fight,


Alexandra Hunt



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Mailing Address:
Alexandra Hunt for Congress
PO Box 5615
Philadelphia, PA 19129

Copyright ©2021 Alexandra Hunt for Congress, all rights reserved.