
Our first end-of-month fundraising goal of the year is tonight at midnight!

My team and I are working every day to ensure a strong victory in the Primary coming up on March 1st. Our fundraising is crucial to our efforts this year, and we will need your help if we want to retake the House from the Socialist majority. 

This month will set the standard for the rest of the year, so it is vital we finish January off stronger than ever. Your support today will help expand our voter outreach, grow our volunteer team, and help me keep up the fight against the Leftists who put our nation last.
The elections this year are so important for the health of our nation. As you have all seen, the Left thinks little of our Constitution, so we have to WIN if we want to hold them accountable for putting us last!

I know every one of the fundraising deadlines will be a success with our grassroots army of support! Will you help me reach the first end-of-month deadline of 2022? 
Thank you for your continued support, 
Beth Van Duyne