My Opponent Can’t Even Admit the Truth - Here’s Proof!

You might have seen my opponent's campaign ad where she claims she did not stand with Black Lives Matter protestors and did not raise money for Planned Parenthood. The actual evidence tells a much different story.
Betsy on video talking about the importance of honesty and claiming she didn't raise funds for Planned Parenthood and encourage protestors.
Betsy on video admitting to raising funds for Planned Parenthood and encouraging protestors.
I will be the first to say I don't always trust the media, but it is hard to run away from your past when it's been captured on film. According to her own interviews and various news sources, it is an unequivocal fact, although quite inconvenient for her, that Betsy Price stood with BLM protestors and encouraged them to 'keep up' their protesting and enthusiasm.
Recently at a candidate forum, though she won't say it in her ad, she finally admitted to having raised money for Planned Parenthood at an event that, in Betsy's own words, was a "gay men's charity" that raised funds for Planned Parenthood and other groups. In 2019, they raised over $44,000 for Planned Parenthood, and Betsy heavily promoted and headlined the event.

Tarrant County deserves the truth.

Between Betsy and me, only one of us has presented real evidence to back up their claims (laid out clearly on

What I know to be 100% true is this: if we elect someone who stood with a destructive organization that seeks to defund police and promotes the idea that the color of your skin makes you inherently a victim or inherently oppressed, we have a long, progressive road ahead of us.

Tarrant County can’t let that happen.

I am grateful to the thousands of conservatives who have amplified my message and revealed the truth behind my opponent's liberal background.

We have to be loud and fight back to make sure voters know the truth before they go to the ballot box on March 1st.
Tim O'Hare
Republican Candidate for Tarrant County Judge
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Pol. Adv. Paid for by Tim O'Hare for Tarrant County Judge Campaign. Vince Puente, Treasurer. P.O. Box 92215, Southlake, TX 76092