Good morning!
Here's the AIA weekly update for January 31, 2022:
🗒️ CDC does not follow the science on pandemic
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has flip-flopped on the science of mask-wearing and stopping the pandemic’s spread since it was put in charge of managing the pandemic policy for the country. Public trust has...
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🗒️ Fauci: America’s unelected dictator
Unfortunately for college students, their college administrations have chosen to follow the oft-wrong public health advice of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Although much of his advice has been proven wrong and he himself has flip-flopped on...
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🗒️ ‘Jew You Down’ and Other Forbidden Campus Speech
As difficult as it is to believe that someone on a contemporary university campus could be so socially tone-deaf that they would publicly utter an ethnic slur, professors do regularly find themselves the target of...
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🗒️ Rhodes Scholar loses scholarship over falsified past
A Rhodes Scholar recipient at the University of Pennsylvania saw her scholarship candidacy revoked when the truth rose to the surface: Her life story, as told to the Rhodes committee, was falsified. Mackenzie Fierceton wrote...
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Have a great week!
-- The Accuracy in Academia Team
Accuracy in Academia PO Box 5647 Derwood, MD 20855-0647 United States |