Green Party co-leaders, Adrian and Carla, mark their first 100 days in office by pledging to tackle the cost of living crisis and Jenny Jones spoke to Radio 4 about our Green peers recent win against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill re



Today, Green Party co-leaders, Adrian and Carla, mark their first 100 days in office by pledging to tackle the cost of living crisis. Scroll for more on what Greens are doing to hold the government to account 🔽


Green Party co-leaders, Adrian Ramsay and Carla Denyer, have set out plans to help tackle the cost of living crisis as part of a major announcement to mark their first 100 days in office. With households across the country facing a staggering 50% hike in their energy bills in April, Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay have said the party will support every Green Party councillor in the country to push for a retrofit revolution in their authority, as well as pressure the government into taking immediate action to help those who need it most. Read more about how they will use the example set by Green councillors in Lewes as well as urging the government to reverse the cut to Universal Credit.


Adrian Ramsay criticised the grant for Sizewell, saying 'nuclear power is a burden and a risk, not a solution'.


The New Statesman examined how the Greens are an established threat to the Conservatives, including a look ahead to general elections as well as local.

Jenny Jones was interviewed on Radio 4 World at One about the Lords voting down the amendments which sought to stifle the right to peaceful protest. Listen here from 9 minutes in.

The campaign led by our Green Peers against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill resulted in a historic series of defeats for the Government. Natalie Bennett set out the importance of the votes on the Bill.

A profile of co-leader Carla Denyer by Aaron Bastani asked, 'could this be the Green Party's second MP?'.

Natalie Bennett wrote for Left Foot Forward about how we need to be talking about the rotten political system rather than just Boris Johnson

Writing in the Metro, Caroline Lucas said 'regardless of the Sue Gray report, it's Boris Johnson's time to go'.


Want to work for climate justice? We are recruiting a telephone fundraising team to mobilise supporters to get more Greens elected. We are looking for an experienced Telephone Fundraiser to supervise the team, and three Telephone Fundraisers to make calls and secure donations. Applications for all four roles are due early February. We are also looking to hire a Senior Digital Support Officer, who will be key to improving the Party’s use of our digital systems. For more information on the roles and how you can apply, check out our jobs listing page!

-- The Green Party 💚