Webinars TODAY and TOMORROW: Come and hear from the preachers whose letter on conversion therapy made headlines across the UK.

Banning the Gospel?

Banning the Gospel

Dear supporter,

Revd Dr Matthew Roberts (Trinity Church York) and Revd Dr Ian Paul (St Nic’s Nottingham) helped pen a letter, signed by 2,500 ministers and pastoral workers, asking Westminster to rethink plans for a conversion therapy ban.

The UK Government’s consultation on 'banning conversion therapy' closes on Friday 4 February.


At this one hour Zoom webinar, Matthew and Ian will talk about why they and their colleagues believed it was vital to make their voices heard, and the considerable media interest that followed. The time includes around 20 minutes for questions.

Also speaking will be The Christian Institute’s Simon Calvert who will explain how governments across the UK are responding to calls for a conversion therapy ban. Both webinars will be live, but the content will be the same in each.


Monday 31 January 2022 | 7.30pm - 8.30pm

Click the button to join.




or use the meeting ID: 816 9783 2291
Password: conversion

Tuesday 1 February 2022 | 12.30pm - 1.30pm

Click the button to join.




or use the meeting ID: 817 3759 7343
Password: conversion

To manually join an online Zoom meeting, please open Zoom, then on the home screen click join, then enter the meeting ID: (see above) and password: conversion

Please join the meeting 5 minutes before it is due to start.

For more information contact: The Christian Institute on 0191 281 5664 or [email protected]

If you do not currently have Zoom installed on your device, please follow the instructions given on our website. See foot of email for phone-in details.

Download the leaflet that accompanies our webinars.


Download PDF  Download PDF leaflet

Yours in Christ,
Ciarán Kelly
Ciarán Kelly
Deputy Director (Staff and Communications)
The Christian Institute


For telephone:

Monday 31 January 2022 | 7.30pm - 8.30pm

United Kingdom dial:
+44 203 481 5240
or +44 203 901 7895
or +44 208 080 6591
or +44 208 080 6592 

Webinar ID: 816 9783 2291

Passcode: 5135848264

International numbers available: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kczRNRsRWz

Tuesday 1 February 2022 | 12.30pm - 1.30pm

United Kingdom dial:
+44 208 080 6591
or +44 208 080 6592
or +44 330 088 5830
or +44 131 460 1196 

Webinar ID: 817 3759 7343

Passcode: 6751338913

International numbers available: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kdLpy9pUEe