Mother Jones reports that in Georgia, "Forty-five times more people were denied the right to vote by mail in 2021 than in 2020."

What changed is the sweeping voter-suppression law passed by Republicans after Trump lost in 2020 -- one of more than 30 voter-suppression laws passed in 19 Republican-controlled states last year.

John, with Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema joining all 50 Republican Senators to block filibuster reform and kill any chance of passing a voting rights bill, everything in 2024 could come down to whether we protect and expand our Senate majority in 2022.

Can you chip in $4 to 4 bold progressive Senate candidates working to flip winnable red Senate seats with progressives who would reform the filibuster, pass critical voting rights legislation, and save our democracy?

Here are the bold progressive candidates we've endorsed for U.S. Senate:

Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes (WI) - Elizabeth Warren writes, "A new poll showed my friend Mandela Barnes tied 43-43 with Ron Johnson. We can win this." She calls this “one of our best chances to expand our Senate majority.” Mandela attended our PCCC candidate training before winning statewide in 2018, and he’s a longtime progressive movement ally. This week, Ron Johnson argued, "I've never really felt it was society's responsibility to take care of other people's children."

Lucas Kunce (MO) – HuffPost reported "Marine Veteran Launches Missouri Senate Bid After Roy Blunt Retirement' and called Lucas Kunce "a crusader against corporate consolidation." He has led all Democratic and Republican candidates in fundraising and has become a fixture on MSNBC, using his veteran cred to point out that Joe Manchin supported trillions in military build up abroad while obstructing child care, lower-price prescriptions, and keeping millions of kids out of poverty here at home. We’re helping this frontrunner flip a Senate seat in a red state!

Morgan Harper (OH) - Her campaign launch got covered everywhere from the New York Times to Cleveland Plain Dealer. Morgan’s bold platform is consistent with her record at the CFPB of fighting corporations that ripped off consumers and her work with Lucas Kunce to fight monopolies. This is an open seat after a Republican retirement. Morgan is uniquely able to win the general election in a state that has trended red by bringing together Black voters, women, young voters, and independents.

Charles Booker (KY) - He nearly defeated the establishment pick for Senate in 2020 due to tremendous grassroots support. Now, he’s the frontrunner to face Senator Rand Paul. Elizabeth Warren says, "This is a man who has lived the struggles other politicians just talk about. He grew up in one of the poorest zip codes in Kentucky. He experienced the pain of poverty firsthand, and saw his mom skip meals just so he could have enough. He’s been homeless, and had to ration his insulin because he couldn’t afford the medication he needed as a Type 1 diabetic. Now, he’s running to lift up working families in Kentucky and beyond."

With an expanded majority and an expanded Senate map -- led by bold progressives like these who don't take corporate donations and who will protect voting rights and save our democracy -- Manchin and Sinema will lose their ability to veto Democratic legislation.

Donate $4 to these 4 Senate candidates here.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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