Friend --
President Biden's approval polls have tanked and, over the course of the past year, the Democratic Party has again proven itself a deadly dead-end for the people's hopes.
So...who's up for a war in Ukraine?
You know who's?always up for war: the merchants of death, their armies of lobbyists and the Democrat and Republican politicians they've bought off.
Sabre-rattling against Putin while ignoring our role in the escalation of tension between Russia and Ukraine gives the American people something to fear, the corporate media something to talk about and the military-industrial complex something to sell.
Everybody wins, right? Everybody except everyday people like us: the same folks trying to live our lives in a society twisted by a pandemic while the climate catastrophe looms.
Donate to the Green Party today because we don't have time for?any of this! We have compounding crises of health, the economy, society and the environment. <[link removed]>
The Green Party is the?only national party fighting for real democracy for every voter?and?every candidate.
We are the?only national party fighting for an Eco-Socialist Green New Deal to repair the holes COVID ripped in our towns and cities while preventing climate catastrophe.
And we're the?only national party that?refuses all corporate cash, which means we can't be bought but we dependent on contributions from folks like you to keep going.
If you haven't already, please consider signing up as a?Green Party Monthly Sustainer, <[link removed]>?at whichever monthly amount works for you. While the Democrats have been drumming up war overseas, they've been waging war against Green ballot access and candidates across the country.
Our Greens who are gearing up for the 2022 campaign year need your support!
With Gratitude,
Green Party of the United States
Green Party of the United States - PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013, United States
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