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Survival Sunday: January 30, 2022

Happy weekend, friends!

Survival Sunday is a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This curated collection of information is only available to email and Patreon subscribers.

Have a great week ahead!


I'm sorry that I missed writing to you last week. But I have an awesome reason why.

Three of the OP Team got together in my tiny little apartment and spent the week finishing up USBs. We loaded them, double-checked each one, and hand addressed the envelopes. (If you get one with orange writing, that's me! I'm sorry my handwriting is so bad!)

Then we took all our stamped and sealed envelopes to the post office and dropped them in the mail on the way to taking our Californian team member back to the airport. (If you didn't order your USB Archive yet, it's not too late. Go here.)

After all that time peopling, I greatly enjoyed a few days of introvert time without talking to any humans.

I decided to stay in the US for another year while all the pandemic stuff is still going on around the world. I'm bringing some stuff from my storage unit to really settle in.

One of my favorite things I'm bringing is my dad's desk. This desk sat in his exam room for 40 years and it was where he sat to write prescriptions and take notes. Now, I'll be sitting at it to finish writing my next book.  Since my dad is the one who finally gave me the push I needed to start really, truly writing as a career, it seems like a full circle to work at his desk.

My little corner of the South has been hit with 3 snowfalls and an ice storm in the past two weeks and the temperatures are frigid. Winter here is far more wintery than I had expected - I'm really not a cold weather fan.

Our parking lot was such a sheet of ice that both of my visitors AND my dog wiped out and fell. At Thor's age, I became worried about him really getting hurt so I found an alternate place to take him out until it thawed. This was much to his dismay, as he is a creature of habit and really likes to poop in his poop spot. Better discombobulated than injured though!

Starting seeds might not be as easy as you think…

I mean, yes, it's simple. Anyone can do it. BUT there are a few things you should know before you start it, or you might be caught by common mistakes like not hardening off your seedlings properly…and trust me, you don't want to destroy all of that hard work with a tiny mistake that could have just as easily been avoided!

Get started with homegrown seedlings the right way, in this free training with my friend Jason Matyas.

As you may know,  The Organic Prepper website has been defunded for being a "disinformation website."

We refuse to put up a paywall and are committed to keeping our information free and available to everyone.

We humbly ask you to help us to keep bringing you the information you come here for by helping to sponsor this website. Every amount helps. We have options for one-time donations and monthly sponsorships.


It's been quite a week and I've been closely following the situation with Russia and Ukraine. It seems inevitable we're going to be drawn into another war and this one would be a doozy. Several friends and their family members have been put on standby for potential deployment to Eastern Europe. Biden seems intent on sending troops there.

Here are some other things that are worth the read or view:

Be sure to set your reminder for the Survivalist Prepper's livestream tonight. It's about Thought Crimes, Media Spin, and the Great Narrative. Be sure to say hi in the chat! I'll see you there?

This Week's Articles
In case you missed them...

The Organic Prepper

The Frugalite
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