Fellow Conservative,

Last year, Nancy Pelosi got better returns (69%) trading in the stock market than even convicted criminal Bernie Madoff!

The markets increased an average of 18-21% last year, but Pelosi's big returns (trading over $50 million!) show she's profiting off all of us and enriching herself, while bankrupting the country. 

That's disgusting. They're screwing America and we have to stop it. 

I discussed this recently with Larry Kudlow on Fox Business.... The American people’s trust in our institutions is at an all-time low, with Pelosi and most of Congress sitting at the bottom of that list. There's one major reason: CORRUPTION.

Too many politicians (on both sides) are capitalizing on their positions of power to enrich themselves. While they are making really important policy decisions on big tech, big pharma and big insurance, they are simultaneously buying and selling equities within these industries.

So-called public servants shouldn't be trading and making profits on the issues and policy decisions that they're voting on. So we're acting to end this...
Ending Insider Trading in Congress
The Transparent Representation Upholding Service and Trust (TRUST) in Congress Act requires Members of Congress — as well as their spouses and dependent children — to put their investment assets into a qualified blind trust during their entire tenure in Congress. This effectively ends insider trading in Congress.
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These conflicts of interest bridge the Right/Left divide, which is why I'm co-leading a new bill with bipartisan support to end insider trading among Congressmen called the TRUST Act. 

Our Representatives should be prevented from using their positions of power to fatten their investment portfolios.

Members of Congress are public servants–their constituents and our country should be the only priority while they serve in office.

We will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff based on how they vote. Wouldn’t it be great to pull the curtain and see which politicians are principled and which are financially corrupt?

Tell Congress to STOP enriching themselves while they bankrupt America!

As you can imagine, the corrupt media and big party bosses aren’t too keen on enacting this legislation, but we are building bipartisan support. Let’s gather momentum and make STOP CONGRESSIONAL INSIDER TRADING!

For Freedom,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
SIGN NOW: Stop Corruption in Congress!
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