Hi John,
You heard that right.
The Chair of the Arizona Democrat Party, Felecia Rotellini, said at a conference:
"Donald Trump is manipulating that White House and has aligned himself with ISIS and Saudi Arabia."
“The most important thing we can do today is vote for civility, vote for a president who is not going to align himself with the most dangerous foreign nations that are the reason we had 9/11.”
I know the Dems in DC have gone off the deep end, but it appears the Arizona Dems have been drinking the Kool-aid as well! I wonder if Ms. Rotellini has been fitted for a tin-foil hat yet?
In contrast, I applaud the AZ GOP Chair, Dr. Kelli Ward, for her reasoned, rational response:
"It is extremely disconcerting to hear the top Democrat in Arizona slander and malign an innocent person for being aligned with the world’s most evil terrorists, let alone the President of the United States. While fear-mongering from the Left is expected up to a point, we have to draw the line somewhere if they’re going to refuse to police themselves. Baseless statements like those made by
the chair of the Arizona Democrat party are wildly irresponsible and not rooted in reality."
The Democrats have gone crazy and are not rooted in reality. If there is one lesson from the last two years, that's it.
These people want to turn Arizona blue. They want to let in all the illegal aliens and turn Arizona into a sanctuary state.
We cannot let them!