NBC reports that Trump has endorsed 93 candidates for state and federal offices since he left office and the majority have questioned the 2020 election result. Ten attended Trump's "rally" in Washington D.C. on Jan 6.

Rachel Maddow first rang the alarm on why this could be catastrophic for our democracy. Republicans are spending millions to get supporters of Trump's Big Lie elected to positions of power that run -- and even certify -- elections across the country.

One of the most terrifying Republican efforts is to replace Democratic pro-voter, pro-democracy Secretaries of State with partisan Big Lie believers in key swing states where the 2024 presidential race will likely be tight.

Thousands of PCCC members have donated to the Democratic Association of the Secretaries of State -- our ally working to ensure pro-voter, pro-democracy Democrats win critical Secretary of State elections in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Michigan. Can you chip in today?

Trump focus is clearly on states that are likely to determine the winner of the next presidential election -- and his endorsements go far deeper into the machinery of government than just big name, high-profile races. For 2022 elections, Trump has so far endorsed 18 candidates in Texas, 14 in Michigan, 8 in Florida, 5 in Arizona, and 4 in Georgia.

NBC reports, "Ten of Trump’s endorsements in Michigan are at the state legislative level, as he’s declared the state 'needs a new legislature' that would not 'refuse to conduct a Forensic Audit.'

Having Democratic, pro-voter, pro-democracy Secretaries of State presiding over our elections is more important now than ever before.

Join thousands of PCCC members across the country who are donating to the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State and our own work to protect voting rights and our democracy.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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