Missouri Has One Abortion Clinic. Here’s What’s Going On in Planned Parenthood’s Fight to Keep It Open.
(The Daily Signal) Planned Parenthood is fighting to keep the last abortion clinic in Missouri open as health officials say that the clinic violated mandated health requirements and that the clinic refused to cooperate with mandated inspections.
Rep. Terri Collins: Banker turned pro-life crusader
(Alabama.com) “I remember counseling a little girl one time who had chosen to have an abortion and she was in [Sav-A-Life] still talking with us… I'm sharing about how her faith can make her strong and she can move on. But I can remember her crying and saying ‘I can still hear my baby cry.’” Collins admitted the cry the woman heard could have just been all in her head, but said the woman’s anguish gave her a passion for the unborn.
Helping Mother Starve to Death a ‘Sacrament’
(National Review) Everything about this event is sickening: the needless death of an elderly woman afraid of being a burden; reporter Bahrampour’s boosterism; the help Rosemary received from a hospice instead of being provided suicide prevention; and, the daughter’s participating in and filming the suicide as a means of furthering the suicide-by-starvation cause Just. Absolutely. Sickening