Ask the Mayor to support our Budget Amendments


Each year, the London Assembly has a chance to amend the Mayor's budget.


This year, your Green Party Assembly Members worked cross-party to get four important measures passed by the Assembly (this doesn't often happen!)

Until Sunday 30th January (tomorrow) the Mayor is also asking Londoners what you think, and we want you to have your say on these measures:

  1. A new resident empowerment fund to help more Londoners have a say over their homes and local areas
  2. A fund to support the thousands of Londoners with dangerous cladding facing worry and expense
  3. Details of the potential cancellation cost of the Silvertown Road Tunnel to be released, to enable a debate about this project during the final budget meeting
  4. More investment in accessible public toilets and safe pedestrian crossings on major roads

Tell the Mayor now that you support these measures

Please add your comments to Talk London and tell the Mayor why you think he should listen to the Assembly and accept these measures - let him know how they would affect your life for the better.

The deadline for comments is tomorrow (30th January)

Thanks for your support


Colin Boyle

Coordinator, London Green Party