The threat from the Brexit Party is now even higher.

John --

Nigel Farage has just announced he won't stand candidates against Tory MPs.

It's big news because it means the Brexit Party will be able to focus their resources on a smaller number of seats in the North, and in South Wales.

I am confident that we can stop them if we all pull together. We have two massive campaign days coming up - do you want to be part of stopping Farage?

There is a real threat that Nigel Farage could win a handful of seats and become a kingmaker in the next parliament.

We will redouble our efforts to tell voters about what makes Nigel Farage unpopular in the seats he is targeting: his dangerous and divisive politics, and his support for Thatcherite policies like privatising the NHS and cutting taxes for millionaires. 


Matthew McGregor,
Campaign Director, HOPE not hate

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