This list is from 2018. We'd still like to see this year's list
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Here's a List of 100 Members of Congress Supporting CAIR ([link removed]) This list is from 2018. We'd still like to see this year's list Read and Share ([link removed])
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Raheel Raza: 'I will Not Be PC About Anti-Semitism' ([link removed]) Raza is a beacon of light in dark times Read ([link removed])
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Insanity Today: 9 Cases You Won’t Believe ([link removed]) Make sure you're sitting down Read ([link removed])
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How Islamists Mark Territory: Is the US Going the Way of Sweden? ([link removed]) A look at political infiltration in the US and beyond Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Ohio Man Pleads Guilty to Planning Fourth of July Bombing Plot ([link removed])
“Treat him as if he had succeeded.”
- L.C.
Iranian Agents in US Plead Guilty; Saudi Agents Arrested ([link removed])
“Sneaky dogs!”
- F.S.
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