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Dear Friend,

At the Mississippi Center for Public Policy, we believe in action, not just words. 
That is why we published the Freedom Agenda 2022 – an action plan to lift up our state.
Now that the state legislature has been in session for one month, I wanted to share with you details of how this agenda is progressing:   

  • Action to combat Critical Race Theory: We outlined the actions needed to combat Critical Race theory back in October. I am delighted to report that SB2113, a bill that reflected our thinking, was voted through the Senate by a large majority a few days ago.
  • Action on academic transparency: We showed how important academic transparency is to give parents more power. I am so pleased that the Academic Transparency bill (SB2434) is before the Senate, as well as SB2679.
  • Action to safeguard free speech on campus: We have been spearheading the campaign against cancel culture. It is wonderful to see the FORUM bill (HB164) back, which would deal with cancel culture on campus. 
  • Action to abolish state income tax: We have long supported our Governor and House Speaker as they seek to eliminate the state income tax. The Mississippi Tax Freedom bill cleared the House with a massive majority – and our Governor, Tate Reeves, used his State of the State speech to urge our lawmakers to act.
  • (Lots of) action to slash red tape: Mississippi is smothered by regulation, so it is great to see so many bills designed to deal with it. They include SB2161 to begin a regulatory reduction program, HB1355 to allow mobile barbers, HB362 to remove restrictions on physical therapists, HB447 to do something similar on occupational licensing, HB917 to free up home-based businesses, HB440 on nurse practitioners, and HB814 to allow internet sales for cottage food producers ….
  • Action on school choice: I am so pleased that bills that reflect our thinking on education are under consideration. HB874 proposes a Mississippi Scholarship system so that tax dollars follow the child. HB1349 and SB2177 would remove the ability of districts to block transfers.
  • Action to cap school board administration costs: SB2089 and SB2186 are two bills designed to curb excess pay, and follow the publication of our Fat Cat report on bloated bureaucratic salaries.
  • Action on Charter Schools: HB1194 proposes multiple authorizer boards, which would help address the systemic inertia that has prevented the creation of more Charter Schools.
  • Action to repeal CON laws: Certificate of Need laws are a CON. They hold the healthcare in our state back. SB2174, HB330, and HB678 would address this.
  • Action to repeal the moratorium on home health agencies: SB2905 would achieve this much-needed reform.
  • Action to encourage innovation: HB1055 and HB1195 would allow so-called sandbox legislation, which would help make our state a center for innovation.

This is a bold agenda, but we will only put Mississippi – and America – on the right track if we set out a clear public policy agenda based on conservative principles – and drive it forward. 
Thank you for your interest – and I will be sure to keep you updated. 
Have a wonderful weekend!

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO

Ps. Do you think some of your friends might be interested to see this? Why not forward this to them now?
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Free Markets, Individualism Have Always Lead to Progress - Read Stone Clanton


WLBT: Jackson Man Challenges State Laws to Open Home Health Business (MJI interview)
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