Read this if you're awake !!
Hi –
I will try my absolute hardest right now to convince you to support our new FACT Act campaign before tonight’s midnight deadline.
Here it goes…
The Dept. of Health and Human Services, Dept. of Defense, Food and Drug Administration, and other government labs like the National Institutes of Health, are spending untold millions of your tax dollars to conduct extremely painful toxicity tests on dogs and other animals.
These tests include burning their skin with cleaning chemicals, dripping experimental compounds into their eyes, and blasting them with cell phone radiation until they develop cancerous tumors.
Government white coats refuse to disclose to taxpayers how many or what kind of animals they’re using, for what tests, or what it cost taxpayers. They eliminate a paper trail so we can’t expose and shut down their labs.
The FACT Act
We can’t shut down these cruel labs if we can’t prove they exist. That’s why this new WCW bill is so critical. It will require any federal agency that conducts or requires toxicity testing to report the details to the public – giving us the hard evidence we need to convince Congress to defund the abuse.
Taxpayer, we only have a couple hours left to fully fund this campaign (we still need to raise $1,119.) If you can afford it, please rush any amount to help us cross the finish line – even $3 will help!
You can donate here:
Christine McPherson
Development Manager
White Coat Waste Project