Last night, in Ohio's U.S. Senate race, bold progressive Morgan Harper debated crazy right-winger Josh Mandel -- a very rare event as they each compete for their respective party nominations. The New York Times covered it!

Morgan was the opposite of every weak Democrat who fails to represent us well.


Over and over, she hit Mandel for pretending to be a Trump outsider while actually being a corrupt 20-year politician in the pocket of dark-money donors.

When Mandel said he would "blow up the swamp" Morgan said "Josh Mandel IS the swamp."

When Mandel proclaimed himself "pro-God, pro-gun, pro-Trump" Morgan said "I am scared as a woman, as a Black person, as a daughter, of getting this guy anywhere near the U.S. Senate...I will fight to make sure we have economic freedom and guarantee economic opportunity for every person living in Ohio."

We proudly endorse Morgan, and you've got to see some key moments from the debate below.

Josh Mandel: "I'm going to take a message to the Black community..."

Morgan Harper: "We don't need Josh Mandel speaking in any way for the Black community."


Josh Mandel: "I am extremely proud to have the endorsement of the Club for Growth."

Morgan Harper: "That is a Super PAC....We need to make sure that we do not get Josh Mandel anywhere near the United States Senate.


Josh Mandel: "I'm not just going to drain the swamp. I am going to blow up the swamp."

Morgan Harper: "Josh Mandel is the swamp! He's not going to drain anything."


Josh Mandel: "I am pro-God, pro-gun, pro-Trump. And I will fight in Washington with the Constitution in one hand and the Bible in the other."



Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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