Dear John,

I thought I would send you all a quick update about how close we are to hitting our goal this month. Earlier this week we shared that we needed to hit $7,000 to stay on pace.

As of 10 a.m. this morning, we're only $3,380 from hitting our critical end-of-month goal.

Maybe it's the second cup of coffee I just drank, or maybe it's my unbridled excitement about the Blue Wave coming this November, but I know we can blow this goal out of the water.

The clock is ticking, folks. Donate any amount now, to crush our end-of-month goal and build the momentum we need for the Blue Wave this November. >>> This is the first month of a historic election year, John. While this campaign is about so much more than numbers, it would be an incredible showing of support if we can eclipse our end-of-month goal to let Christy know we have her back.

Pitch in $5 or more – even better make it monthly – to give Christy the momentum she needs to flip CA-27 red to blue and maintain our Democratic majority in Congress. >>> The Blue Wave of 2022 isn't going to build itself, John, it's going to take all of us chipping in what we can to make it happen.

I'm so thrilled to be a part of the team that's going to build the Blue Wave we need to win big this November.

Let's get it done,

Catherine Coddington
Finance Director
Team Christy