Dear Reader,
As a nonprofit, The Progressive is beholden to no one in our quest to provide independent, fact-based journalism. We need your ongoing financial commitment, and invite you to become a sustainer.
As a sustainer, your monthly donation supplies a steady stream of funding we can count on. And as long as you are a sustainer, you will receive a subscription to The Progressive at no additional cost!
You will also be supporting the Progressive Perspectives op-ed project, which seeks to amplify underrepresented voices, and the Public Schools Advocate project, which aims to empower teachers, parents, and other community members to advocate for strong public schools.
There are three ways to make your monthly donations:
Credit card - Please click this link
Direct withdrawal from your bank account - contact me at [email protected] and I will send you the necessary form to fill out.
Check - mail, or have your financial institution mail, checks to The Progressive - PO Box 1021 - Madison, WI 53701
We formerly used an outside service to manage our donations and subscriptions. In July 2021, we began managing them in-house. This required sustainers to re-enroll with our new credit card processing system, and we began offering the option to have automatic withdrawals directly from your bank account to ours.
Unfortunately at that time not all of our sustainers re-enrolled. If you are a former sustainer, we hope you will re-enroll now! If you have never been a sustainer, there’s no time like the present to become one!
If you have contacted the office in the last couple of years, I have been happy to talk (or email) with you. I look forward to being in touch again – or for the first time!
Thanks for being part of the Progressive community,
Elizabeth Miller
Office Manager and Coordinator of Progressive Perspectives