Angry because of his air of superiority over the American people; angry because of the lies he spews; angry because he got COVID wrong and hurt our country; angry because he incites division and hate; and angry because he is not held accountable for any of it.
New emails reveal that F**** may have played an even more significant role in covering up the origins of COVID than was previously known. Does this surprise you?
Fauci has gotten away with too much. As Americans, we need to stand up for our freedom and draw the line somewhere. That somewhere should have been back in 2020 when he failed the American people with his flip-flopping and lying about masks.
F**** has ridiculed our country. A bureaucrat is making the calls because the administration is too weak to admit its mistakes. It has been over 680 days since “two weeks to slow the spread.” You have the right to be angry. You should be angry.