We need you to know 3 crucial facts about Democrats' fight to keep the House.

1. Donald Trump THREATENED to run for President if Republicans flip the House.

2. Republicans from coast to coast introduced over 400 voter suppression bills to make it happen.

3. And they just raised $110 MILLION to seal our fates and sweep Trump back into power.

We will NEVER let Trump and McCarthy take back our crucial House Majority and sabotage all the progress Democrats have made. But we need a MONUMENTAL surge of support -- 1,200 gifts before our very FIRST End of Month Deadline this year -- to help close our budget gap and keep our campaign fully funded. We’re urgently asking: Can you pitch in $15 to save our Majority from Republican destruction? >>

This is deeply disturbing:

Republicans have been fighting tooth and nail to take back our House Majority since they tried to overturn the 2020 election results.

They worked to sabotage our voting rights across the country.

They raised $110 MILLION to topple our Majority.

We CAN’T let them take revenge and destroy Democrats’ progress -- but we can’t do it alone.

This is the first test of this monumental election year. We need 1,200 grassroots gifts in the door before our FIRST End of Month Deadline of the year to match Republicans’ millions and SAVE our razor-thin Majority. Can we count on your $15? >>

Chip in your $15 now >>
Chip in your $25 now >>
Chip in your $50 now >>
Chip in your $100 now >>
Chip in another amount >>
Thank you,
Team Latino Victory





PO Box 34104 Washington, DC 20043
Contributions or gifts to Latino Victory Project are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.