In the wake of the January 6 insurrection, Congress launched a full-throated investigation into what happened that day – supported broadly by Democrats and a handful of Republicans.

Here is what we have learned so far:

  1. Donald Trump's team started plotting to overturn the election results the day after the election.
  2. Donald Trump's allies on Fox News knew the insurrection had gone too far, and pleaded with the president's staff to get the president to call off the insurrectionists.
  3. Republican leaders are shielding Donald Trump and his allies while adopting the big lie that the 2020 election was stolen. (Despite the fact that the election was securely conducted and had the highest turnout in history in the midst of a pandemic.)

Not only that, but at MSNBC, Rachel Maddow has reported that Republican electors in multiple states sent fake, unofficial electoral college certificates to the US Senate and the National Archives, presumably in hopes that they would be included in the official count.

The House investigation into the January 6 insurrection, who caused it, and what they were planning is critical to protect the future of our democracy.

Here's the thing: Republicans only need to flip 5 seats to win a House majority. If Republicans take back the House, that investigation stops cold. In fact, Republicans are betting the public forgets the insurrection before the public holds them accountable. If Republicans get their way, we will never know what happened, and we will not be able to take action to protect the upcoming midterm elections or the 2024 presidential election.

Donate today to stop Republicans from taking the House and corrupting our democracy even further.

We have a long way to go to the election this November. I will be fighting to keep our majority until the last vote is counted. Please join me in this fight.


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