Republican AGs and officials will say whatever it takes to get reelected. Here’s how we can stop them:
Republican politicians are using a two-step approach to disrupt our democracy for their own gain:
Step 1: Use right wing disinformation networks to share overwhelming amounts of demonstrably false information about voter fraud and election integrity
Step 2: Pass voter suppression bills that make voting more difficult and help Republicans win elections, using hysteria about voter fraud as the justification
This two-step strategy is being used in states like Iowa, where the state legislature passed a voter suppression bill. This bill restricts access to early voting, limits access to ballot drop boxes, and requires polls to close earlier.
Elected Republican officials are basing these laws not on reality, but on the lack of public faith in democracy that they have sown themselves.
Republican AGs across the country are supporting these kinds of laws, because it serves their own political interests. We need to cut this strategy off immediately by investing in ground level organizing that shares accurate information about our electoral system, and how it’s really being pulled apart.
Democratic AGs truly are “The People’s Lawyers” and DAGA is the only party committee devoted to electing more of them. Since 2016, we’ve won two-thirds of our targeted races, and with more than 30 AG seats up for grabs in 2022, we need your support – will you chip in today?
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