Weekly Reads
“I worry that as organizations make this positive step towards embracing more diverse leadership, that the exiting white leaders may not be doing enough work to clean out their dirty closets to make the organization ready for a leader of color,” says [Building Movement Project Codirector] Thomas-Breitfeld, who is Black. “Because not everyone may be used to, prepared, or willing to be held accountable by a person of color in top leadership roles.” [more]
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
“Because social impact work is more congruent with female than male gender role stereotypes, promotion rates will be lower for participating men, and male evaluators will be less likely than female evaluators to recommend promotion for male participants,” they write. Men associated with the firm’s pro bono projects are promoted at lower rates than women with the same experience, as well as both men and women staffers who didn’t volunteer. ... It’s a rare instance where gender stereotypes negatively hurt men’s careers, an effect that women are more likely to experience in the workplace.” [more]
Chana R. Schoenberger for Stanford Social Innovation Review
“[O]ur country is wrestling with many serious questions about who we are, what we want, where we’re willing to negotiate, and where we aren’t. As members of both an American and a global community, philanthropy practitioners are engaged in a similar struggle. … As our Johnson Center team researched and wrote this year’s 11 Trends in Philanthropy for 2022, we found that many of the topics we looked into reflect the sector’s grappling with a similarly profound question: What role does philanthropy play in our national project — that of E Pluribus Unum?” [more]
Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy