Supreme Court will review EPA’s navigable waters overreach


It’s back to the Supreme Court for PLF and an Idaho couple looking to end a 15-year battle with the federal government over the right to build a home on their property.

The Justices this week announced they will hear Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency—PLF’s 17th Supreme Court case—to clear up whether there are any limits to EPA’s regulatory reach.

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The Hill: What Joe Biden can learn from Harry Truman’s failed steel seizure


As we head into the third year of COVID-19, government executives—from presidents to local counties—seem hooked on emergency powers and now face calls to treat everything from gun violence to racial injustice to climate change as emergencies.

Elizabeth Slattery says that President Biden should first look to history and heed the saying, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

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You think higher ed’s discriminatory admissions policies are bad? Just wait until you hear about K-12


The Supreme Court announced this week that it will hear two cases to decide whether racial preferences in university admissions should be legal.

PLF has weighed in on this case because, as Brittany Hunter explains, discriminatory school admissions policies are not only wrong, they’re also not limited to higher education.

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