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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Monday 11 November


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Faith schools contribute millions of pounds less towards own costs, figures suggest

The funding that faith schools contribute towards opening and maintaining their own buildings has fallen sharply over the past decade.

The Independent


Hindu, Sikh and Muslim voters look set to divide along religious lines at election

A pressure group claims Hindu and Sikh voters of British-Indian origin could play a decisive role in up to 40 constituencies at the upcoming general election. Meanwhile the Muslim group Mend is hoping to mobilise Muslim voters to canvass on behalf of candidates who endorse its manifesto.

The Sunday Times (£)


Minister accused of ‘whitesplaining’ after questioning Tory peer’s view on ‘Islamophobia’

Health secretary Matt Hancock has been accused of "whitesplaining" by Tory peer Sayeeda Warsi after he said others in the party took a "more balanced approach" on 'Islamophobia' than her.



Students turn against free speech amid ‘culture of conformity’

Fewer than half of students consistently support freedom of speech and two fifths favour censorship and no-platforming of controversial speakers, research from the think tank Policy Exchange has shown.

The Times (£)


Council criticised after children originally from Muslim family are fed bacon by foster carers

A judge has hit out at a council after three children from a Muslim family were given bacon sandwiches while in foster care. The foster parents argued the children had all been westernised and were not following Islam anymore.

Daily Star


‘The unbearable wrongness of William Barr: Secularism doesn't destroy society or moral order’

Phil Zuckerman says if secularism truly resulted in moral deterioration, then highly secular societies would be decaying. They're not.



Indian top court gives holy site to Hindus

The disputed holy site of Ayodhya in northern India should be given to Hindus who want a temple built there, the country's Supreme Court has ruled.



India detains users over online posts after religious site ruling

Dozens of people in India have been detained on suspicion of publishing 'inflammatory' social media posts and setting off celebratory firecrackers after the Supreme Court ruled to give a disputed religious site to Hindus.



Payouts for Catholic Church child sex abuse victims approved by French bishops

Victims of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church in France are set to be financially compensated for their trauma.



Latest NSS podcast


Ep 18: Remembrance Day | Clerical Abuse

In this week's episode, Emma Park is joined by the NSS's Megan Manson and Chris Sloggett (a former history teacher) to discuss the Church of England's privileged role in Remembrance Sunday. Emma then speaks to Keith Porteous Wood, president of the NSS, about the society's campaign to expose institutional abuse in the Catholic Church.


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