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Dear Fellow Patriot,

To the violent leftists driving this nation off a cliff, The Rule of Law is "fringe." 

That's why they're so desperate to try to label us as outside the norm, or as somehow "not normal." 

I have news for them. THESE COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS are the fringe.

THEY are extreme. 

As you can see above, they are desperate to kick me out of office.

That's why I need your immediate support to continue fighting back. 

As President Trump once said, I'm an America First warrior, and I never give in to the Communist Democrats.

Send them a message that I'm not going anywhere by contributing to my reelection campaign today

The left can't STAND the idea that conservatives are taking power in Congress. 
Help me reshape the GOP into the party of America First by chipping into my reelection campaign today.

I bring accountability to BOTH parties. And I'm unafraid about it. 

That's why I need of your generous support today.

In 2022, we must make a it abundantly clear: America First is the only path forward. 

Together we can make that goal a reality, but I can't do it without your support. 

Help me whip the GOP into shape and fight the Communist Democrats by contributing $25 or $50, or even $100 or $250 to my reelection campaign today


For America,

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Arizona’s 4th District

P.S. We can't let RINOs sell us out to the Communist Democrats. 

Join me in reshaping the GOP into the party of America First with a generous contribution to my reelection campaign today



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