
January is almost over, and Beth needs your help to end it with more strength than ever before!

While Beth has been working to protect our freedoms and secure our borders, Radical Leftists have been busy planning a hostile takeover of TX-24! They are doing all they can to unseat her and replace her with another Socialist lackey who would sell out our district for their political gain!

Losing Beth would be a disaster for America, and the Democrats will be all too happy to pass new taxes, new spending, and new mandates for us all!
A Democrat victory is not just a defeat for our team, but rather, it would be a defeat for the entire GOP as we all race to flip the House and oust the Radical Left! 

However, there is still time left to go, and we have to make the most of it! Will you rush in your donation so we can keep up the fight?
For Texas and America, 
Team Van Duyne