Dear John, Today I met with National Highways on Clay Drive in Quinton, to ensure that their officers saw the impact of their actions. Late last year, National Grid and National Highways took the decision to cut down more than 100 trees which were protecting residents from the sights, sounds and pollution of the very busy M5. When the agencies carried out the work, consultation with the local community wasn’t
carried out and this has impacted residents mental and physical health, their local environment as well as their house prices. When a resident reached out to me, I immediately contacted both organisations and demanded that they meet with me and residents to understand what they have done. I was pleased to see National Highways owning up to some of the mistakes that have been made. Moving forwards, they have committed to meeting with residents once again to put forward proposals on how they can start to rectify the situation. I will continue to support residents with this massive problem that’s in no way of their own making and I have also contacted DEFRA to seek their backing with this case.