We're on a mission

Dear John,

In the aftermath of Jan. 6, 2021, a group of more than 150 former Republican officeholders, political operatives, and other officials said "enough." They proclaimed their commitment to our founding principles in A Call for American Renewal, a bold declaration that ultimately led to the formation of the Renew America Movement (RAM). At RAM, we're pleased to report that we’ve been fully engaged in our mission to renew America ever since.

As a supporter of RAM, you’ve been an integral part of making American renewal a reality. Thank you. Your investment in RAM is helping our pro-democracy movement in a number of ways:

RAM is dedicated to restoring a common-sense coalition in our politics—and giving a political home to the majority of American voters seeking honest, pragmatic governance again. So we’re taking real electoral action.

  • RAM is standing alongside the Renewers—principled, unifying Democratic, Republican, and Independent American leaders running for re-election in key races.

  • RAM also has released a worst-of-the-worst list of Dividers, who must be exposed for supporting efforts to overturn the 2020 election, spreading conspiracy theories, and condoning political violence and dangerous rhetoric. 

  • Next month, RAM will release The Watchlist, highlighting promising new candidates from across the political spectrum. 

  • We’re building a nationwide ground operation in top battleground states that includes local influencer campaigns, grassroots organizing, micro-targeted outreach, novel social media and advertising strategies, and a sophisticated data operation.

Beyond our electoral work, education is a vital part of our mission. So we offer engaging opportunities for Americans to learn more about threats to our democracy and potential solutions to our national challenges.

  • RAM hosts RAM Chats with leading public figures and newsmakers, like Lt. Col. Alex Vindman, Michael Steele, Michael Fanone, and Rep. Abigail Spanberger, to discuss their experiences and ideas for democratic reform.

  • RAM publishes The Topline, a leading biweekly publication with a pro-democracy take on the news of the day.

  • Because of a surge in political extremism among new candidates for office, RAM is launching the public awareness campaign Rise of American Radicalism, so American voters can make well-informed decisions at the ballot box this year.

  • RAM collaborates with policy fellows and other political organizations to advance our shared objectives in the democracy reform space.

RAM is promoting systemic reforms to increase fairness and choice in U.S. elections, including protecting voting rights and making it easier for independent candidates to compete.

  • RAM supports ballot initiatives, such as instituting ranked-choice voting, that decrease the trend toward political extremism and allow principled, independent candidates to compete.

  • RAM is part of a cross-partisan coalition exploring opportunities for expanding electoral access for third-party and independent candidates.

We view these efforts as short- , medium- , and long-term investments that require constant work, innovation, and determination. We are in it for the long haul and are so thankful to have you joining us. Together, we are renewing America.

All the best,
The Renew America Movement



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Stand Up Republic
700 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003
United States