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Friday, January 28th, 2022


Russia and the West: Piercing the Fog of Hysteria

Pepe Escobar

What If My Library Tells Me To Wear A Face Shield? What do I do?

Allan Stevo

Davos Man and Open Borders

Joe Allen

Contrary to High Priest Powell, the Economy is NOT Strong

David Haggith

Washington’s Rejection of Russia’s Security Proposal Is a Bad Decision

Paul Craig Roberts

Inflation Winners and Losers

Charles Hugh Smith

Is Democracy Dying or America Disintegrating?

Patrick J. Buchanan

The Government Has Isolated, Purified, and Sequenced Fear

Jon Rappoport

Legal Insurrection

The Z-Man

How Evil Do You Have to Be to Suddenly Pull Treatment From Ailing Florida Covid Patients?

Monica Showalter

Natural and Unnatural Immunity

William Bernard Butler

Health Officials Deny Even a Single Death From Covid Shots

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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