Don't miss this sit-down with a RAM Renewer

Dear John,

We’re excited to welcome a very special guest for the newest edition of RAM Chat, Rep. Andy Kim (NJ-3)!

Congressman Kim is known for his bipartisan voting record and willingness to work across the aisle to deliver for his constituents. Before his election to Congress, Kim worked under both Democrats and Republicans, having served at the Pentagon, State Department, and the White House National Security Council. He also served as an advisor to Generals Petraeus and Allen. Congressman Kim will join RAM Executive Director Miles Taylor for a wide-ranging discussion you won’t want to miss.

When: Tuesday, Feb. 1, at 2pm ET
Where: Renew America Movement Homepage, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter
Who: Host Mary Anna Mancuso, RAM Executive Director Miles Taylor, and Congressman Andy Kim

Be sure to check out and subscribe to Renew America Movement’s YouTube page to make sure you don’t miss out on any new RAM Chats, ads, and videos. We’ll see you Tuesday!

Chat soon,
Mary Anna


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