
Hi John,


Right now, people are joining with the Missouri Workers Center and the Athena Coalition to #ProtectAmazonWorkers following the deaths of six Amazon workers during the devastating tornado that struck an Amazon warehouse in Edwardsville, Illinois on December 10, 2021.


For too long, Amazon has subscribed to a business model that puts its warehouse workers at risk. At risk from getting sick or hurt on the job. And as December’s horrific tornado proved—Amazon is putting workers at risk of dying during severe weather events. 


Workers are NOT disposable and Amazon has a responsibility to provide workers with a healthy and safe workplace—from all dangers. 


Please—sign the petition and let Amazon know that workers are NOT disposable. Demand workplace safety at ALL Amazon warehouses.



After the storm passed, we learned that about Amazon’s failure to properly inform or protect workers at the Edwardsville facility during the tornado. No one warned them of the impending storm and because of Amazon'S rules against workers having cell phones on the warehouse floor, no one received critical emergency alerts. As a result, six people lost their lives.


This can never again happen. Tell Amazon that we need answers. We need to know what happened and the company must change its practices to ensure worker safety. Only then can we be sure that another event like Edwardsville does not happen.


Please—sign the petition and if you’re reading this email during near 12:00 p.m. Central Time/1:00 p.m. Eastern Time, tune into a very special rally demanding Amazon #ProtectAmazonWorkers.


Thank you for all you do. 


In Solidarity, 



Jobs With Justice