Happy Summer Everyone!
Welcome to the New Year and best wishes to all of you for a great
I hope you were all able to explore a bit of our great country over
the break.
We've now moved back to
'Red' Traffic Light settings and this will be an incredibly tough
time for many as we face down COVID-19 for another uncertain time. The
entire National Team is disappointed at the way the Government has
failed to back New Zealanders and my thoughts are with everyone
affected around New Zealand and stuck off-shore.
My Auckland Office is open again to help so please reach out if you
need any support!

Meet Basil!
Over the Summer my family grew a bit bigger with new puppy Basil, a
miniature Schnauzer with a lot of charisma.
I hope to bring him around to see you all soon at one of my next
Morning Tea meetings!
Happy Birthday Alice!
Alice Wylie QSM, a stalwart of the Mount Albert Community,
celebrated her 98th Birthday over the summer and it was a true
pleasure to join her and close friends to celebrate this amazing
Alice has supported the people of Mount Albert in so many ways over
her many decades from her time as Councillor and Deputy Mayor in the
old Mt Albert Borough Council to her ongoing role as a cherished super
senior helping out on ANZAC Days and in other community events.
Only a few people get a local
Park named after them for their public service and even fewer get
to enjoy it in their retirement for so many years!
I always appreciate hearing Alice's considered views on the issues
of the day and look forward to seeing her again soon.

Youth MP 2022: Yoonie Park
After a tough selection process, I'm glad to introduce my Youth MP
for the 10th Youth Parliament Yoonie Park to you all!
Yoonie is an amazing young Auckland leader and I know she'll do a
great job for young constituents this year championing their views.
I've asked Yoonie to say a few words about herself and what she hopes
to accomplish during her time as a Youth MP:
Kia ora!
My name is Yoonie Park, a 16 year old Korean-Kiwi who is
passionate about poetry, cookies and making a difference in our
society - and am very honoured to be representing Melissa Lee MP as
her Youth MP for 2022.
As the youngest daughter of a first generation Korean
immigrant family, I was lucky enough to be exposed to many different
cultures growing up, and instantly fell in love with the diverse
community we have here in Aotearoa.
I believed and still believe that each story of each
individual matters to make a difference in this constantly evolving
world of ours.
Through my position as a Youth MP this year, I am hoping
to listen to more stories of individuals, gain insight and first-hand
experience of our parliament, and engage with like minded rangatahi,
sharing thoughts about the next generation of New Zealand, which is in
our very own hands.
I imagine this year to be a year of growth, challenge
and fun.
I'm looking forward to stepping out of my comfort zone,
constantly learning about new ideas and topics broadening my
perspective of our world even further.
The new National Party Caucus Lineup
As Parliament wrapped for 2021 new National Leader Christopher
Luxon announced the new National Party Caucus Lineup. I'm
absolutely delighted to be reconfirmed by the Party leadership in the
following Opposition portfolios and continue to serve within
our Shadow Cabinet:
- Broadcasting & Media
- Digital Economy and Communications
- Ethnic Communities
Every community around New Zealand is suffering as a result of the
Government's lackluster handling of COVID and the ramifications this
will have on the future of New Zealand. I promise to continue to
champion your needs in my portfolios and work diligently to return
National to Government in 2023.

Summer Break Drinks
Just before Christmas my amazing Mount Albert team came
together for some festive cheer and a conversation about the issues
our city had been facing over the past few months.
It was wonderful to sit down, have a few yarns and hear
everyone's great Summer escape plans for the New Year!

Office Hours
My Auckland Office at 107 Great South Road has now re-opened for
2022. Under Red Settings COVID-19 policies are in place so please
phone or email for a friendly chat before visiting the office so my
team can help you.
It is also with sadness that I'm in the process of appointing
a new part-time staffer based in Auckland. Dr Anne Koh, who stepped
down over the Summer break was an amazing part of my team in 2021 and
while she was only with my Office for a short time, she will be sorely
missed as she heads to new and very exciting opportunities overseas. I
look forward to give you an update in my next newsletter but I know
you'll all join me in wishing her the very best for the next stage in
her career.
As always, if you have anything urgent please message me via Facebook or at [email protected] and
we'll do our best to respond as soon as possible.
Looking forward to talking again soon!

Until next time!

Melissa Lee National List MP based in
Auckland Authorised by Melissa Lee Parliament Buildings,