I know Cora – she’s a workhorse, not a show horse. She gets the job done.
Hi Friend, this is former Lieutenant Governor Mike Cooney.

I'm proud to share that I have endorsed Cora Neumann to be our representative in Montana’s new 1st Congressional District.

Today, I’m hoping you’ll join me in supporting Cora by chipping in a contribution of $3 to her campaign.
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Montana needs a leader that will ensure Montanans have access to good jobs, wages, and housing they can afford. We need a representative who will fight for our small businesses, so families who have lived here for years or generations can afford to stay.

We need someone who understands what we’re experiencing and can meet this moment – whose Montana roots and experience delivering for rural communities gives them the backbone to stand up in Washington and protect the Montana we all know and love.

We need someone who will roll up her sleeves and get to work for us every day. I know Cora – she’s a workhorse, not a show horse. She gets the job done.

When COVID-19 hit our state in 2020, Cora got to work to train nearly 600 Montana leaders in COVID safety and response, and her relief fund distributed over $250k to those hit hardest.

She worked with small business owners to help them keep the lights on, raised money to support rural county commissioners and health workers, and centered her work on delivering tangible results to counties that didn’t have the resources to keep their local economies open – all with local leaders from both parties.

Will you donate $10, $35 or $50 to help send Cora to Congress? As a fourth-generation Montanan, I believe she’ll be a voice for all of us, and someone who will make sure Montana continues to be a place where our children can grow and thrive.

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I appreciate it, friend.

Mike Cooney
Former Lieutenant Governor of Montana