Ilhan for Congress


Let’s be clear: The U.S. government could cancel student loan debt with the flick of a pen.

Taking action couldn’t be more important when student debt payments could resume as early as May. That would spell disaster for the millions of people in delinquency or default who simply can’t afford to pay.

That’s why I’m calling on this administration — alongside Senators Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer and Representatives Ayanna Pressley, Pramila Jayapal, and Katie Porter — to immediately cancel at least $50,000 in student loan debt per person and lift this burden off 36 million Americans.

I’m hoping you’ll join us by adding your name to support cancelling $50,000 — or more — for student loan borrowers right now:


I know what it’s like to struggle to pay off student loan debt. And so do the tens of millions of Americans who owe a collective $1.7 trillion.

No one should be drowning in debt simply for pursuing an education. Yet student debt is more of a burden on households than credit card or vehicle debt. It’s forcing people to put their dreams of starting a business or a family on hold. They deserve better, and the U.S. government has the power to help.

Our collective voices have made a huge difference in continuing the pause on student loan payments during the pandemic, and now we can speak up to make this change permanent.

Can you add your name next to mine to support cancelling at least $50,000 per student loan borrower?


In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar