WATCH Rachel Maddow's interview with Chris Larson here.

Rachel Maddow on explosive evidence that a current Republican congressman helped effort to overturn the 2020 election: WATCH HERE.

Rachel Maddow interviews Chris Larson on his explosive findings.

Last night, Rachel Maddow broadcast explosive new evidence about a current Republican congressman helping to overturn the 2020 election. The facts now coming out were surfaced by progressive WI State Senator Chris Larson -- and they dovetail perfectly with the national investigation led by Congressman Jamie Raskin.

WATCH Rachel Maddow's interview with Chris Larson here. Then, chip in to Chris Larson and Jamie Raskin so they can fight back against coming Republican attacks as they campaign for re-election in 2022. -- The PCCC Team


From: Chris Larson
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 09:34 AM EST
Subject: What I shared with Rachel Maddow last night

You may have been following the story of Wisconsin’s fake presidential electors -- 10 partisans who met in our State Capitol in December of 2020 to put forward forged documents claiming that Donald Trump won the election. Recently I sent a letter to Milwaukee DA John Chisholm asking for an update on legal complaints filed months ago regarding this fake elector scheme. The DA decided to refer the matter to State and Federal prosecutors.

Last week, we learned that the Trump campaign, led by Rudy Giuliani, had orchestrated a fake elector scheme in 7 states, including Wisconsin, in a last-ditch attempt to overturn the lawful election of Joe Biden. Yesterday, the Federal Justice Department told CNN they were investigating this conspiracy. This is great news, and the 10 fraudulent electors must be held accountable.

But what of those who aided them in their efforts? Someone had to allow these fake electors into the Capitol to commit their crimes. What Wisconsin deserves to know -- and what nobody had reported previously -- is who?

I initiated an open records request to the Senate Sergeant at Arms, the body responsible for room reservations for State Senators. The results were shocking -- if not entirely surprising. It turns out that then-Majority Leader (and current Congressman) Scott Fitzgerald had reserved 2 rooms at the Capitol for the Republican Party of Wisconsin (RPW) at the same date and time the fake electors met.

Last night, I joined Rachel Maddow to discuss what this means for Wisconsin and the fake elector scheme as a whole. You can watch the segment here. What makes this even more damning for Fitzgerald is that on January 6th, 2021 -- AFTER the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, the Congressman voted against certifying the election for Joe Biden. He can try to claim ignorance of what the fake electors planned to do, but he can’t deny he tried to overturn a free and fair election.

What Scott Fitzgerald did is a danger to our democratic republic. Will you stand with me in holding traitors like him accountable with a financial contribution today?

2022 is an election year, and I’ll need all the resources I can muster to fend off whatever the GOP throws at me. I’ll never stop fighting for a better Wisconsin. Those who undermine the democratic process -- like Congressman Fitzgerald -- must face the appropriate consequences.

In solidarity,

-- Chris Larson

Chris Larson and Jamie Raskin are long-time PCCC-allies making Republican leaders furious with their work finding out exactly what happened before, during. and after the January 6th insurrection. Chip in here to their 2022 re-election campaigns to help them fight back against coming Republican attacks.



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