Dear John,

With the 35 day short session about to get started, one of our top priorities–and one of Oregon’s biggest chances for climate action in 2022–is the Reach Codes bill (SB 1518). We need your help to make sure it passes! Please email your state senator and representative today.

The Reach Codes bill is Oregon’s big push to reduce climate emissions in 2022. SB 1518 would allow cities to adopt stronger building codes for more energy efficient buildings. This would not only help lower our climate pollution; it would also lead to healthier air in our homes, and lower energy bills. With extreme wildfires, drought, and deadly heatwaves becoming the new normal, we can’t let a year go by without taking action. 

You may be wondering–why are building codes so important for the climate? Because most energy efficient choices are made at the time of designing/building, and are typically locked in for the life of the structure, so the decisions we make today will have lasting repercussions. After all, buildings are the second largest and longest lasting source of climate pollution in Oregon. The buildings we construct today will be lived in and used for up to fifty years–or longer!–and will either contribute to climate pollution, or help reduce it. 

Please email your state senator and representative and ask them to support Reach Codes! I’ll be keeping touch throughout the short session with more ways you can take action.

Thank you,

Julia DeGraw
Coalition Director, OLCV  

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