Hello friends,

I talk about this a lot, but it bears repeating. Prosecutors have an incredible amount of power, deciding who to prosecute and what charges to bring. This includes whether or not to charge people for low level marijuana possession.

County (District) Attorney budgets are not unlimited, and it is frankly a waste of time and money to prosecute people for having a joint.

We should be using our limited resources to prosecute the serious and violent crimes that actually make us less safe.

This is why, if elected Polk County Attorney, my office will not be prosecuting people for low level marijuana possession.

Our justice system is in need of major reform, and the Polk County Attorney's office is an excellent place to start in Iowa. We can win this race, but only together –  with your time and donations. 

Thank you,

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Kimberly for Polk County Attorney · P.O. Box 36341 · Des Moines, IA 50315 · USA