Dear People For Supporter, As you might have seen, it was reported today that Justice Stephen Breyer will retire from the Supreme Court at the end of this term. Already, the Far Right is planning a scorched-earth campaign to stop the confirmation of President Biden’s nominee – whom we expect, based on the president’s pledge, will be the first Black woman ever nominated to our high court. This is a fight we are ready to have – and win! The inspiration and excitement of this moment promises to unite our movement and reinvigorate our base at a critical time, with the midterm elections coming up and following last week’s voting rights setback in the Senate. Within minutes of the news reports, influential Far Right movement leaders had taken to Twitter with comments like: “I don't trust whoever Joe Biden nominates to replace Stephen Breyer. They must be stopped.” “The US Senate needs to filibuster, stall, delay and hold Biden’s Supreme Court pick until 2024.” We know that you trust People For the American Way to lead the progressive charge in Supreme Court fights and it’s not a responsibility we take lightly. We’re ready to make history by finally confirming a Black woman, committed to protecting the civil and human rights of all Americans, to the Supreme Court. President Biden has some stellar, highly qualified choices ... and we’ll be pushing the White House to name a fair-minded nominee who understands the important role of justices in protecting the constitutional rights of everyday Americans. Here’s what we CANNOT allow to happen: We can’t let Mitch McConnell and Republican senators hijack another Supreme Court seat that should rightfully be filled by a Democratic president. And we can’t let the Far Right destroy a highly qualified nominee with racist, sexist smears. It’s up to us to seize this opportunity to make historic progress with this Supreme Court nomination ... and to fire up voters and activists who are tired and frustrated with the persistence of the pandemic and with stalemates in the 50-50 Senate holding up important legislation to protect our rights. While the far-right majority on the Roberts Court has proven itself hostile to voting rights, reproductive freedom, public health, workers’ rights, and more, let’s make sure we look back on this moment as THE moment when we started to push the Supreme Court back towards reason and fidelity to the core principles that define the true American Way. Thanks for being a part of this fight! -- Ben Jealous, President