First, we had to face off against candidates flying around the country begging rich people for money at high-dollar fundraisers. Even so, we’ve out-raised them all… at just $19 a contribution.
Then, Joe Biden’s super PAC says they have raised a ton of money in unlimited contributions from wealthy folks and will start running ads in Iowa imminently.
Now, Mike Bloomberg and his billions are filing paperwork to run for president, mostly because he doesn’t want us or our issues to succeed.
The truth is, big money will concede nothing to us. Nothing. They will fight us and our ideas to the end. So we have to ask:
The truth is, November is a tough fundraising month. Last campaign we raised 25% less in November than October, despite having a lot of momentum. And we’ve fallen behind this November, as well… despite a lot of momentum.
Thank you for helping us close that gap. Especially today.
Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager