Welcome to the Downsize DC Army!

You were strategically smart to use Downsize DC to pressure Congress...

  1. Members of Congress count constituent messages. They CARE about your letter for the same reason they buy opinion polls. Politicians are desperate to know what their constituents think. 
  2. Do you dislike how your neighbors vote? Well, very few of them bother to send a single message to Congress so your letters are heavier than your ballot! 
  3. Replacing Congress requires a majority - millions of people all voting in the same direction. Pressuring Congress to take a different course takes mere tens of thousands. It's far easier to influence Congress than to replace it!
  4. Left, Right, and libertarian seem opposed to each other on Election Day, but can often work together on dozens of issues where they agree. 

The change you want is within your grasp if you'll do two things consistently...

  1. Tell Congress what you want. You can use Downsize DC for this purpose.  
  2. Help us recruit more people to push for the things you want. 

Recruitment is vital to the strategy. The more people sending messages with you, the louder YOUR voice will be, and the harder it will be for Congress to ignore you. And... 

We can add another voice alongside yours. The current cost to do that is about $4. 

Every $4 you entrust can DOUBLE the strength of your pressure on Congress. Even a $4 per month micro-pledge would empower us to recruit another YOU each month. Or a $16 one-time contribution would help us recruit 4 more people immediately. Plus...

Contributions from people like you are the ONLY way we grow. We take no tax-funding or special interest support. We're a grassroots organization funded entirely by people like you. So please...

Thank you for joining our Downsize DC Army. 

Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Co-founders, Downsize DC

P.S. Tell us what attracted you to send your first letter in the comment section of the contribution form. We want to hear your story!

872 Mark Dr., Akron, Ohio 44313, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.