While touted as "equality," this legislation would be more appropriately named the "Inequality Act."
It aims to expand numerous civil rights laws, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, to create protected classes based on sexual orientation and gender identity, thereby positioning the government to lord over churches and other faith-based institutions, potentially dictating who they hire, how their facilities are used, and even punishing some of them for not falling in step with a view of human sexuality that directly contradicts orthodox biblical teaching.
It would force all those in the medical community-regardless of their moral, religious, or medical opinions-to offer hormone treatment and transgender surgeries for individuals suffering from gender dysphoria.
If passed and signed into law, it would cause a significant loss of religious freedom in America, and every Bible-believing citizen will suffer the consequences.
This bill is an egregious attack on the freedom to believe, and it must be stopped!
Many of the nation's top evangelical pastors and religious leaders have already signed a letter warning against this bill, and now I need your signature to help stop this disastrous legislation.
I hope I can count on you to join us by signing the National Petition to STOP the "Equality" Act today.
As the legislative affiliate of Family Research Council, FRC Action seeks to educate and influence elected officials on Capitol Hill and in the states, activate our grassroots network, and mobilize voters on behalf of faith, family, and freedom.
FRC Action exists so that our nation's most fundamental values are represented as we impact public policy, influence elections, and support candidates who share our values.
Even during these difficult times, you and I must continue our vital work to defeat the "Equality" Act, which poses the gravest threat in decades to the American family and religious liberty.
But to continue leading the charge to stop this disastrous bill, we need your support.
Please help us urge the Senate to reject this legislation and defend religious freedom in America.