A beloved president asked you to step up and help flip the Senate. Will you answer President Obama’s call? Rush $5 to elect Ben Ray and DEFEAT McConnell’s Republican Senate! >>

President Obama called us to action in a powerful way.

"We have to take back the Senate." Barack Obama

Democrats stepped up -- and Republicans started to panic.

If we don't keep the Senate, we're "SCREWED" -Republicans

If just 29 more Democrats step up for Ben Ray before midnight, he’ll WIN his critical Senate race and OUST McConnell’s Senate.

This is our once-in-a-lifetime shot to defeat McConnell’s Senate -- we won’t get another one like it.

Will you step up with $5 before midnight?

Chip in $5 now >>

Chip in $25 now >>

Chip in $50 now >>

Chip in $100 now >>

Chip in another amount now >> 

Thank you,

Team Ben Ray




Derivative of Gage Skidmore photo. (CC BY-SA 2.0)


People for Ben
PO Box 25371
Albuquerque, NM 87125


Paid for and authorized by People for Ben.