Hi John,
Did you catch the email from my team? If you need a reminder of why we are here and continuing to push for A Woman’s Place PAC, look no further.
I started A Woman’s Place because I quickly realized that I could not win a seat, much less make change in our nation’s politics, alone. In 2018, I was proud to be one of four women in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to make history by becoming the largest womens' delegation elected from Pennsylvania - ever! We won because we stuck together and supported each other, as women. We then joined the largest class of women in Congress ever where we’ve been able to drive legislation on issues – like the U.S.'s devastating record on maternal mortality – that have held women back for generations.
Want to hear more about women looking to run like I did? Learn more about our work and how you can support in the message below, then forward it to a friend!
I’m happy to have you on board and cannot wait to see more women join us in the House this coming year.
- Mary Gay
Begin forwarded message:
We wanted to take a moment to thank you for the continued support of our work in 2021. Now that we’re gearing up for the 2022 midterm elections, we’re stepping back to reflect on who we are and how we can get more women elected to the House in 2022!
A Woman’s Place supports progressive women running for office across the nation. The phrase “A Woman's Place is in the House... and Senate!” is a famous campaign slogan that rings as true today as it did when it was created in the 1970s. The quote sums up our mission: to get women elected into political office.
Right now, in 2022, our government is not reflective of its people: women make up less than 30% of Congress, statewide elected offices, and state legislatures. In this election cycle - and beyond - we can change that!
Systemic barriers and prejudices continue to dissuade women - and particularly young women - from running for office. We are here to tear down those barriers and ensure that gender does not determine an election outcome. We’re focused on lifting up the voices we need to fight for families in the House.
We help put women where they belong: in positions of political leadership throughout all levels of government. We know how challenging it can be for women to break into the fundraising circles often reserved for the old boys’ clubs -- because we’ve been there.
A Woman’s Place is focused on supporting women running for office and their efforts by providing the resources, financial and otherwise, that they need to win.
Here’s how you can support our work:
- Take our survey and share your thoughts on how we can make this work better!
- Become a monthly donor! When you give monthly, our team is able to endorse more progressive women running for office throughout the year, not just election time.
Thanks again for being part of our team as we change the face of representation in the United States.
- A Woman’s Place Team