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Insanity Today: 9 Cases You Won’t Believe ([link removed]) Make sure you're sitting down Read ([link removed])
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How Islamists Mark Territory: Is the US Going the Way of Sweden? ([link removed]) A look at political infiltration in the US and beyond Read and Share ([link removed])
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Iranian Agents in US Plead Guilty; Saudi Agents Arrested ([link removed]) Both Islamist countries targeted those in US who oppose their regimes Read ([link removed])
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To Dodge Border Crisis, NY Times Pins Cartel Killings on Religion ([link removed]) This is one case where religious extremism is not to blame Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Outrageous! The Washington Post Headline on Baghdadi ([link removed])
“So insensitive to all the families that lost loved ones! This is no newspaper at all! It is siding with evil! They are fully exposed! God help them to turn from their evil ways!”
- D.E.
Get CAIR to disclose Members of Congress Supporting Them ([link removed])
“[link removed] This post includes a link to a list of 102 Congressional members who congratulated and supported them in 2018, and it includes their letters.”
- V.R.
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