Why has LGBT+ cryptocurrency maricoin whipped up controversy?

The launch of the LGBT+ digital currency provoked heated debate on Twitter. But just why are cryptocurrencies so controversial?

IMF asks El Salvador to drop bitcoin, more countries clamp down

More countries are regulating cryptocurrencies, fearing systemic risk from the volatile digital currencies

As Taliban threats grow, LGBT+ Afghans struggle for work and food

Taliban fighters are searching mobile phones for LGBT+ content and infiltrating groups on social media platforms or dating apps, researchers told

Olympics-Climate change threatens Winter Olympics and future snow sports -research

The Beijing Games, kicking off on Feb. 4, will be the first Winter Olympics to use virtually 100% artificial snow by deploying snow generators and snow-making guns

Russia proposes ban on use and mining of cryptocurrencies

The move is the latest in a global cryptocurrency crackdown as governments from Asia to the United States worry that privately operated and highly volatile digital currencies could undermine their control of financial and monetary systems.

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